TLRG at North American Workshop in Private Law Theory

On October 4-5, 2013, Professor Zoë Sinel participated in the inaugural meeting of the North American Workshop in Private Law Theory (NAWPLT) at McGill University. Professor Sinel’s paper, entitled “The Nature of Self-Help,” explored a heretofore underdeveloped area of private law theory and doctrine: the remedial actions parties may undertake independent of the direct participation of legal institutions.

The workshop’s aim is to provide an informal venue for American and Canadian scholars to discuss works in progress in the area of private law theory. The NAWPLT owes its origins to the Private Law Theory Workshop, an annual workshop originally conceived of by Western Law professor Dennis Klimchuk, and attended by private law scholars from McGill, Osgoode, Queens, the University of Toronto, and Western.

Other attendees included Tort Law Research Group members Andrew Botterell, Dennis Klimchuk, Jason Neyers, and Stephen Pitel. Harvard University will host the next meeting of the NAWPLT, scheduled for 2014.