Tort Law Research Group Members Publish Introductory Tort Book

Book Cover

In July 2020, members of the Tort Law Research Group – Erika Chamberlain, Stephen Pitel, Andrew Botterell, Jason Neyers, and Zoë Sinel – as well as past Western Law faculty member Mitchell McInnes published the fourth edition of Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts. The book provides comprehensive explanations and analyses of tort law’s key concepts as well as many of its more subtle details.

The fourth edition builds on the earlier editions written by the late Gerald Fridman and seeks to honour his legacy as one of Canada’s most influential tort law scholars. Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts, 4th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect changes and developments in the law since the publication of the third edition in 2012. The book is designed to benefit lawyers, legal academics, and law students, and is an essential resource for those at the beginning of their study of tort law as well as an excellent primer for those who enjoy a greater familiarity with its doctrines.